KW Court Reporting is a proud supporter of the “National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)”
Founded in 1972, the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) is the longest-operating business growth engine for the broadest group of systematically excluded communities of color (Asian-Indian, Asian-Pacific, Black, Hispanic, and Native American), and our impact goes far beyond supply chain. It’s about upward mobility for the emerging majority of Americans, an equal shot at participating in the American experiment of free-market capitalism and entrepreneurship. Our work is about correcting the unequal access to wealth-building opportunities.
Their Core Values
To serve as a growth engine for NMSDC-certified MBEs, we uphold the following core values:
- We institute creative problem-solving techniques to ensure every perspective and option has been considered before moving forward with a solution and to drive excellence.
- We believe in thoughtful collaboration, understanding that every action we take, either solo or as a collective, impacts the rest of the NMSDC team and the NMSDC Network.
- As we ask our MBEs to adapt to the ever-changing economic landscape, we too must remain adaptable to ensure we meet the needs of our stakeholders at every turn.
- To grow and connect MBEs, we must be future-focused, not only understanding the landscape of today but where that landscape may shift in another 5 to 10 years.
- We must remain steadfast and resilient to ensure we can continue to support MBEs when and where they need us.